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Jingjing Xiao

      I am currently working as a lecturer in the Department of Medical Engineering, Xinqiao Hosptial, Third Military Medical University, China. I also serve as an honorary research fellow with Prof. Ales Leonardis and Prof. Rustam Stolkin in University of Birmingham, U.K. My training included undergraduate and master degrees in Engineering from National University of Defense Technology, China, and a PhD in Computer Vision from University of Birmingham, U.K. My research interests include visual object tracking (2012-now), medical image processing (2017-now).


    Lecturer, Xinqiao Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China.

    Honorary research fellow, School of Engineering, University of Birmingham, U.K.

    Research fellow, School of Engineering, University of Birmingham, U.K.

    Teaching assistant (C programming), University of Birmingham, U.K.

    Teaching assistant in robotics summer school, Royal Institute of Great Britain, U.K.

    PhD, Single-target Tracking of Arbitrary Objects Using Multi-layered Features and Contextual Information, School of Electronic, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Birmingham, U.K. (full-scholarship).

    Master, Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, College of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation, National University of Defence Technology, China (equivalent to Distinction).

    Bachelor, Instrument Science and Technology, College of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation, National University of Defence Technology, China (GPA 3.52/4.0).

    life is like an endless marathon.

    My research interests include computer vision, and medical image processing. For computer vision, I major in 2D single/multi-target tracking and 3D visual object tracking. For medical image processing, I am interested in radiomics, pathomorphology recognition, and cardiac motion analysis.

    Book Chapters

    [1] W. Zhang, X. Ye, F. Xiong and J. Xiao, “Sensor Technology”, Tsinghua University Press, Nov.2011, ISBN:9787302272236.

    Journal papers

    (first-authored papers)

    [5] J. Xiao, R. Stolkin, Y. Gao, A. Leonardis. “Robust fusion of colour and depth data for RGB-D target tracking using adaptive range-invariant depth models and spatio-temporal consistency constraints”. IEEE Transactions of Cybernetics, 48(8):2485 - 2499,2018. (IF: 11.079)  [project pages]

    [4] J. Xiao, R. Stolkin, A. Leonardis. “Dynamic multi-level appearance models and adaptive clustered decision trees for single target tracking”. Pattern Recognition, 69: 169-183, 2017. (IF: 7.196)

    [3] J. Xiao, M. Oussalah. “Performance Evaluation of Particle Filter Based Visual Tracking". Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2016. (IF: 1.812)

    [2] J. Xiao, R. Stolkin, M. Oussalah, A. Leonardis. “Context based model adaptation for tracking with online weighted color and shape feature”. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016. (IF: 1.762). Best poster award in BMVA summer school.

    [1] J. Xiao, M. Oussalah. “Collaborative Tracking for Multiple Objects in the Presence of Inter-occlusions". IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2015. (IF: 2.615)

    Peer-reviewed full-length conference proceedings papers

    (first-authored papers)

    [4] J. Xiao, L. Qiao, R. Stolkin, A. Leonardis. “Distractor-supported single target tracking in extremely cluttered scenes”. ECCV, 2016.  [project page]

    [3] J. Xiao, R. Stolkin, A. Leonardis. “Single target tracking using adaptive clustered decision trees and dynamic multi-level appearance models”. CVPR, in U.S.A., 2015.

    [2] J. Xiao, R. Stolkin, and A. Leonardis. “Multi-target tracking in team-sports videos via multi-level context-conditioned latent behaviour models”. BMVC, in U.K., 2014.

    [1] J. Xiao, R. Stolkin and A. Leonardis, “An enhanced adaptive coupled-layer LGTracker++”, Visual Object Tracking Workshop, IEEE ICCV. Sydney, Australia, 1-8 December, 2013. IEEE PAMI TC Conference Travel Award.

    Co-authored papers

    [5] Y. Tang, Z. Kan, D. Sun, L. Qiao, J. Xiao, Z. Lai, D. Li.“ADMMiRNN: Training RNN with Stable Convergence via An Efficient ADMM Approach”, ECML, 2020.

    [4] Z. Wang, M. He, L. Wang, K. Xu, J. Xiao, and Y. Nian, “Semi-NMF-Based Reconstruction for Hyperspectral Compressed Sensing”, Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2020. (IF: 2.931)

    [3] Y. Kuai, G. Wen, D. Li, J. Xiao, “Target-Aware Correlation Filter Tracking in RGBD Videos”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(20): 9522-9531 ,2019. (IF: 3.076)

    [2] D. Li, G. Wen, Y. Kuai, J. Xiao, F. Porikli, “Learning Target-Aware Correlation Filters for Visual Tracking”, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 58: 149-159, 2019. (IF: 2.259). [PDF]

    [1] Q. Hu, Y. Guo, Y. Chen, J. Xiao, W. An, “Correlation Filter Tracking: Beyond an Open-loop System”, BMVC, 2017.

    Co-authored journal papers

    [4] L. Li, Y. Wang, Q. Ma, L. Tan, Y. Wu, J. Xiao, “Automated identification of Cervical Squamous Lesion in Thinprep Cytologic Test using convolutional neural network”. Oncology Letters, 2020. ( IF:3.697)

    [3] Z. Zhang, J. Xiao, S. Wu, F. Lv, J. Gong, L. Jiang, R. Yu, T. Luo, “Deep Convolutional Radiomic Features on Diffusion Tensor Images for Classification of Glioma Grades”, Journal of Digital Imaging, 2020. (IF: 2.572)

    [2] K. Li, Q. Yao, J. Xiao, M. Li, J. Yang, W. Hou, M. Du, K. Chen, Y. Qu, L. Li, X. Wang, H. Luo, J. Yang, Z. Zhang, W. Chen, "Contrast-enhanced CT radiomics for predicting lymph node metastasis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: a pilot study", Cancer Imaging, 2020. (IF: 1.183)

    [1] K. Li, J. Xiao, J. Yang, M. Li, X. Xiong, Y. Nian, L. Qiao, H. Wang, Y. Luo, S. Friedewald, J. Yang, S. Hu, X. Hu, Z. Zhang, J. Wang, W. Chen, “Association of Radiomic Imaging Features and Gene Expression Profile as Prognostic Factors in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma”, American Journal of Translational Research, 11(7):4491-4499, 2019 (co-first author, IF:3.266).

    Peer-reviewed full-length conference proceedings papers

    (first-authored papers)

    [2] J. Xiao, Q. Tao, X. Liu, J. Chen, "Learning Motion Based Auxiliary Task for Cardiomyopathy Recognition with Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images", The 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering, Oct. 20-22, 2020

    [1] J. Xiao,D. Si, Y. Wu, M. Li, J. Yin, H. Ding, "Multi-view Learning for 3D LGE-MRI Left Atrial Cavity Segmentation", AIPR, 2020.

    (co-authored conference papers)

    [2] L. Liu, Y. Wang, D. Wu, Y. Zhai, L. Tan and J. Xiao, “Multitask Learning for Pathomorphology Recognition of Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion in Thinprep Cytologic Test”, ISICDM 2018.

    [1] Y. Nian, M. Li, H. Cui, X. Hu, B. Xie, K. Li, X. Xiong, J. Xiao, W. Chen ."Graph Theory based Unsupervised Segmentation for Lung Tumor CT Images " IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications, Chengdu, in China, 2017.


    Grants for which I was principle investigator

    Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging based Atrial Fibrillation Diagnosis and Treatment Decision Model with Multitask Fuzzy Learning, National Science Foundation, China. (NO. 62076247, RMB 580.000)

    Intelligent Diagnose System of Myocardial Disease using Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Clinical Research Grant of Army Medical University, Chonqing, China. (NO. 2018XLC3023, RMB 200.000)

    Cardiac Motion Tracking Based on Deep Transferred Convolutional Networks, National Science Foundation, China. (NO. 61701506, RMB 210.000)

    Involved research grants

    Understanding Scenes and Events through Joint Parsing, Cognitive Reasoning and Lifelong Learning. ONR MURI, U.K.-U.S. (NO. 645582)

    RoMaNS (Robotic Manipulation for Nuclear Sort and Segregation), E.U. H2020. (NO. EP/M026477/1)

    Robotic system for retrieval of contaminated waste from hazardous zones. EPSRC project as part of the UK-Korea Civil Nuclear. (NO. EP/N019415/1)

    Patents (The first inventor)

    [4] Target Tracking with Inter-supervised Convolutional Networks. (Chinese No.: 201710192346.X; US No.: 15/486,392) (Pending).

    [3] Image Target Relative Position Determining Method, Device, and System Thereof. (Chinese No.: 201610705050.9; US No.: 15/587,444) (Chinese one is pending, US one is issued).

    [2] Image Target Tracking Method and System Thereof. (Chinese No.: 201610702053.7; US No.: 15/468,185) (Chinese one is pending, US one is issued).

    [1] Image Target Tracking Method and System Thereof. (Chinese No.: 201610701023.4; US No.: 15/469,119) (Pending).

    information updated at 09/10/2020